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Public Enemy Live from House of Blues (видео) 2001 смотреть онлайн

Public Enemy Live from House of Blues (видео)  2001
Название фильма: Public Enemy Live from House of Blues (видео)
Оригинальное название: Public Enemy Live from House of Blues (видео)
Режиссер: Керри Асмуссен
Продолжительность: -
Год: 2001
Жанр кинофильма: музыка, документальный
Актеры: Флэйвор Флэв, Профессор Грифф, Чак Д.

Public Enemy Live from House of Blues (видео) 2001 посмотреть

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...is a well produced, carefully crafted, concert for home entertainment. The performance was bananas as most of you who've had the opportunity to see them live would agree. In other words, it was 100% DunDee. The portion of the DVD I enjoyed the most was contained in the SPECIAL FEATURES section and titled "ARCHITECTS OF ; It featured Mista Chuck giving the intelligent purchasers of this DVD a vehicular tour of Strong Island and it's relevance to PE's history. We went through the "VELT," Hempstead ( he showed us Eddie Murphy's childhood home), and 510 South Franklin Street--the bat cave, if you will, for PE in their infancy. That was special. Mista Chuck discussed the Friday Night Throwdown at WBAU and the history behind that. Most of us loyal PE fans know that so I won't mention it here. Plus if you want to hear you can bum rush the door of the store and pick up the DVD or you can tap the mac and order it online. The highlight of the tour was when he stopped and talked about the back of a little known McDonalds where Glen Freidman took that famous photo which would turn out to be on the cover of their first album--Yo! Bum Rush the Show. Chuck also discussed how the group and the members in the group got their names. Interesting piece. Gives you real insight on the group. Simply put, it's a must have for you legions of loyal PE fans.
First off, I was there. Second, I have this show on VHS already and it's time for me to finally get the DVD. Next, This was really a great show, like every PE show. Public Enemy are the dopest live act you will see and I suspect it will be this way until Chuck's too old, in 20 more years. He's healthy and setting an example. I will always remember this show, like all the PE shows I've been to. The cool thing is that they recorded the show this time. My friends and I are pretty close to the stage (on the West Side, if you know what time it is) in the video and Chuck actually points me out at one point, saying "I like that Phillies hat right there." I think it's during Rebel Without A Pause. The LA House Of Blues has filmed a lot of good shows here and I hope they will produce and release some more of them. For one, the Def Jam 20 year anniversary show with EPMD, Slick Rick & Doug E Fresh (their first time together in a long time) and headliners RUN-DMC. It was sponsered by and shown on BET one night. We taped it on VHS but once again, I really want to get a copy of it on DVD. So the point is, if you're an old school PE fan, or just starting to check them out, don't hesitate to buy this classic show for your collection, you will enjoy it, repeatedly.
Fight the power.
DJ Gummo
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