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Oxygene: Live in Your Living Room (видео) 2007 смотреть онлайн

Oxygene: Live in Your Living Room (видео)  2007
Название фильма: Oxygene: Live in Your Living Room (видео)
Оригинальное название: Oxygene: Live in Your Living Room (видео)
Режиссер: -
Продолжительность: -
Год: 2007
Жанр кинофильма: музыка
Актеры: Жан-Мишель Жарр, Франсис имбер

Oxygene: Live in Your Living Room (видео) 2007 посмотреть

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You've got to see this just for the fun if nothing else. Here's a boy and his many, many toys. The re-creation of Oxygene performed live on the DVD is a chance for you to see all the synthesizers you ever dreamed of having in the 1970s all in one room at one time. JMJ had 'em all--a theremin (not 70's, but cool just the same), every Moog there ever was, the ARP 2600 (or whichever it was), a Mellowtron (sp?) plus tons of sound modules that create white noise, etc.
JMJ recreates his Oxygene album live and IN 3-D??!! That's right. You get two sets of red on one side, blue on the other 3-D glasses to view that particular version if it is to your liking. Personally, I found the 3-D to be more distracting since I wanted to make out the equipment more so than seeing depth in four guys reaching to twist more knobs. Not to worry. You can watch it with or without the 3-D turned on. A second disc, a CD remastering of Oxygene comes as a sort of bonus disc. Nice touch.
The extras are fun--especially when JMJ takes you on a little tour of all his old toys. He's excited to share it all--so excited that he struggles to say in English exactly what he wants as he details "theese next eenstrument". It just adds to the charm of it all.
Very fun stuff. Totally worth buying if you're a JMJ fan at all. Even worth buying if you're just into old synths and modules. Also the audio is some of the best use of I've ever heard. His music plays well with it.
Surprised no one has commented on this version yet.
In my opinion, this is the best version to get (of the Oxygene 30th Anniversary reincarnations). The DVD is Region 0, so you shouldn't really have a problem playing it regardless of where you live. Also, the prices offered for this product is very affordable, especially when you consider what's being given.
You are getting a good deal here. First off, you're getting a personal concert recording, in HD, alongside the album itself. This is more than just a concert. This is an education tool. Some of the oldest, rarest electronic instruments are being used simultaneously to recreate this great album. Also, Jarre gives a personal tour explaining the history of these instruments. To see them in use is a rare treat.
The best part about this product, in my view, is the DVD surround sound of the original recording of Oxygene. I've never heard Oxygene so crisp. It includes a fantastic 3D rendering of the album cover for visual effect.
If you are a Jarre or an Oxygene fan, you will most likely enjoy this product, considering location and affordability.
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