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A Diamond in the Mind (ТВ)  2012
Название фильма: A Diamond in the Mind (ТВ)
Оригинальное название: A Diamond in the Mind (ТВ)
Режиссер: Gavin Elder
Продолжительность: 95 мин. / 01:35
Год: 2012
Жанр кинофильма: музыка
Актеры: John Taylor, Саймон Ле Бон, Roger Taylor, Ник оудс

A Diamond in the Mind (ТВ) 2012 посмотреть

Кино онлайн
Format: DVD Verified Purchase I own a copy of every live show Duran Duran has ever released on DVD, and they just never disappoint. I've always felt that the distinction between a good band and a great one is how they come across live, and Duran Duran have always been up there with the likes of U2, the Rolling Stones and Oasis, groups that have such an extensive catalogue of great music that you wish they could fit every single hit of theirs into a live show because they play every song so well, and always manage to sound better live than they do in the studio.
This show features most of the big hits (no 'Girls On Film' though. I wonder if 'Girl Panic' is the new 'Girls On Film'?) and some songs from their most recent album, All You Need Is Now. As always, the band is on top form, the musicianship is flawless and Simon Le Bon's voice is perfect. Even their backing singer Anna Ross gets to take center stage with Simon for 'Safe', and does a great job. 'The Wild Boys' morphs brilliantly into 'Relax' by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, then back to the 'The Wild Boys', 'The Man Who Stole A Leopard' is beautifully interpreted live, and, as always, 'Rio' closes the show with aplomb. Not sure about the sax bits on 'Hungry Like The Wolf'
The show does seem to lack the energy of the 'Live In London' DVD when Andy Taylor was back in the band, but this may just be due to the sound editing on the 'Diamond' DVD. Certainly, I found the sound a little more crisp on the 'London' DVD. You can literally feel Roger Taylor's drumming, and Andy's guitar seems to slice through the speakers with his direct, catchy riffage. On a couple of the songs on 'Diamond', Dom Brown's guitar seems very subdued, and Rogers's drums don't have their usual power. A minor complaint though. This DVD is still well worth watching to see this veteran band showing you how it should be done.
Format: DVD Verified Purchase Been waiting a long time for this DVD,and believe me the wait was worth is yet another polished and professional performance from Duran Duran,all the classic hits are there(well most of them)plus the strongest tracks from the All You Need Is Now its DVD debut this time out is their cover version of White Lines,which they knock clean out of the park,Im not really a fan of covers,but they really do own this Brown has now truly found his place within the band,and knows how to contribute to the Duran sound perfectly,while bringing his own style in as well.
Technically the DVD doesnt put a foot out of place,the picture is sharp and crisp,the editing,if a little frantic in places,ensures you see everything you need to,and the sound quality is excellent from start to I had to find fault with this DVD its that all the new material is clumped together at the start of the concert,it might have been better if it had been spread out a bit more,Girl Panic could easily close the show in my oppinion,but then again you cant have a Duran concert that isnt closed by Rio.
The behind the scenes documentary is okay,pretty open and honest about things,a little predictable but interesting none the also get Is There Something I Should Know and Come Undone as bonus tracks,as always though they would have been better included in the actual show than served up seperately.
Playing live is what Duran Duran have always done best,and this DVD showcases this perfectly for me,and is up there with the Live From London a die hard fan all I can say is its worth every penny.
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