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The Man from Snowy River: Arena Spectacular (ТВ)  2003
Название фильма: The Man from Snowy River: Arena Spectacular (ТВ)
Оригинальное название: The Man from Snowy River: Arena Spectacular (ТВ)
Режиссер: Игнатиус Джонс, Дэвид Аткинс
Продолжительность: 101 мин. / 01:41
Год: 2003
Жанр кинофильма: комедия, мюзикл, мелодрама, вестерн, драма
Актеры: Lee Kernaghan, Чарльз ’Бад’ Тингуэлл, Стив Бисли, Джон Брэйди, Саймон Вестэвей, Мартин Крюз, James Rutty, Deb Mitchelmore, Джорджи Паркер, Steve Jefferys

The Man from Snowy River: Arena Spectacular (ТВ) 2003 посмотреть

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Teacher’s notes provided by This clip from popular Australian feature film The Man From Snowy River shows a chase sequence where experienced stockmen pursue a valuable escaped colt that is running with a mob of brumbies (wild horses). The mob descends a steep and treacherous slope; the stockmen halt at the top, reluctant to follow them, but Jim Craig (Tom Burlinson) follows the mob without hesitation. Clancy (Jack Thompson) and the other men look on as Craig follows the mob. After continuing the pursuit single-handedly, he successfully rounds up the brumbies and the prized colt. Educational value points This scene is from the feature film The Man From Snowy River, which was released in 1982 and was an immediate commercial success. At the time it was Australia’s highest grossing film, with Australian box office sales totalling almost $ million. Based on a poem by Australian poet Banjo Paterson, the film is set in 1880 in the Australian Alps. The film presents US actor Kirk Douglas in two roles (Harrison and Spur) and Australian actors Sigrid Thornton (Jessica Harrison), Jack Thompson and Tom Burlinson in leading roles. The excerpt shows an important rite of passage for the character Jim, as he strives to win the hand of the woman he loves. Jim’s motivation for the dangerous chase is to prove his worth to Harrison, the father of Jessica. Rounding up the mob single-handedly can be seen as symbolising his rite of passage into manhood. The young lad looking for approval from his peers becomes a mountain hero, respected for his courage and unprecedented riding prowess. In this scene the audience witnesses Jim’s transformation into 'the man from Snowy River’, 'a stripling, on a small and weedy beast’ and a legend of the mountains. The clip uses a number of different film techniques to emphasise the speed of the chase and the audience’s involvement in it. Rapid edits, shots of horses galloping past a still camera and multiple angles and close-ups from within and around the horses dramatise the scene. Low angle shots of the brumbies and of Jim jumping off the mountain spur’s edge highlight the impossibility of the steep descent. A close-up of the horse’s face is edited against a close-up of Jim’s face, suggesting the determination of both characters. Finally, Jim cracks his whip, signifying his victory. The poem The Man from Snowy River, written by Andrew Barton 'Banjo’ Paterson (1864–1941) and first published in The Bulletin magazine in 1889, has been the inspiration for a number of other productions. It also inspired a sequel to the original film (The Man from Snowy River II), a TV series (Snowy River: The MacGregor Saga) a musical theatre production (The Man From Snowy River: Arena Spectacular) and was commemorated in the opening ceremony to the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. The full text of the poem is also printed several times in microprint on the Australian $10 note. The clip shows a 'mob’ of feral horses known as brumbies, which are descended from lost or escaped horses of early European settlers. There are more horses in the wild in Australia than in any other country in the world and significant numbers can be found in the Australian Alps. In the past the detrimental effect of introduced animals on the alpine environment focused on cattle. However, a ban on cattle grazing in 2005 also turned attention to other feral animals that inhabit the high country including goats, deer and brumbies. The culling of brumbies, shot from helicopters, led to considerable outrage from animal welfare groups and many concerned citizens.
Thanks to the generosity of the rights holders, we are able to offer 'A stripling, on a small and weedy beast' from the feature film The Man from Snowy River as a high quality video download. To play the downloadable video, you need QuickTime VLC, or similar. You must read and agree to the following terms and conditions before downloading the clip: australianscreen is produced by the National Film and Sound Archive. By using the website you agree to comply with the terms and conditions described elsewhere on this site. The NFSA may amend the 'Conditions of Use’ from time to time without notice. All materials on the site, including but not limited to text, video clips, audio clips, designs, logos, illustrations and still images, are protected by the Copyright Laws of Australia and international conventions. When you access australianscreen you agree that: You may retrieve materials for information only. You may download materials for your personal use or for non-commercial educational purposes, but you must not publish them elsewhere or redistribute clips in any way. You may embed the clip for non-commercial educational purposes including for use on a school intranet site or a school resource catalogue. The National Film and Sound Archive’s permission must be sought to amend any information in the materials, unless otherwise stated in notices throughout the Site. All other rights reserved. ANY UNAUTHORISED USE OF MATERIAL ON THIS SITE MAY RESULT IN CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LIABILITY.
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