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My Persian Family (ТВ)  2014
Название фильма: My Persian Family (ТВ)
Оригинальное название: My Persian Family (ТВ)
Режиссер: Майкл Грин
Продолжительность: 23 мин.
Год: 2014
Жанр кинофильма: комедия
Актеры: Анита Халатбари, Фрэнк Оделл Ховард, Kavon Karami, George Kokkoris, Ry Amidon, Kelsey Gold, Hugh Augustine, Эрвин Е.П. Поуп, Rio Lund, Дэвид Келлер

My Persian Family (ТВ) 2014 посмотреть

Кино онлайн
'This is a loving account of Persian cooking, much of it drawn from the author s extensive foodie family. It s a fascinating cuisine, with Zoroastrian (as in sour-sweet balance) and Jewish elements --Melanie McDonagh, Evening Standard
'An American-Iranian, Ariana presents exquisite Persian you love Middle Eastern food, then this is a step up, with ideas that you may not have tried before' --Sally Hughes, BBC Good Food Magazine 05/2012
'Ariana Bundy looks to her Persian roots for this collection of aromatic dishes that will have you rushing into the kitchen' --Homes & Gardens, 05/12
'...rather exotic and just the thing to cheer up a jaded palate'
Marie-Claire Digby, The Irish Times, 05/12
'A really unusual cookery book that is as challenging as it is entertaining, particularly if you are looking to impress at a dinner party'
Galway Advertiser, 05/12
'The Iranian-American author captures the aromas, textures and flavours of Persian food in this gloriously photographed book'
Delicious, 06/12
'The the rain-bound British cook a gloriously exotic taste of the Middle East' --The Lady, 05/12
'Ariana Bundy looks to her Persian roots for this collection of aromatic dishes that will have you rushing into the kitchen' --Homes & Gardens, 05/12
'...rather exotic and just the thing to cheer up a jaded palate'
Marie-Claire Digby, The Irish Times, 05/12
'A really unusual cookery book that is as challenging as it is entertaining, particularly if you are looking to impress at a dinner party'
Galway Advertiser, 05/12
'The Iranian-American author captures the aromas, textures and flavours of Persian food in this gloriously photographed book'
Delicious, 06/12
'The the rain-bound British cook a gloriously exotic taste of the Middle East' --The Lady, 05/12
For Western cooks the recipes are a useful way into a cuisine that is becoming increasingly popular. Dampokhtak, for instance, the perfect Saturday supper dish, is an ancient Persian recipe invented by the Moguls, take to India and Pakistan, and now, courtesy of Bundy, in your kitchen --Daily Telegraph
A prettily pink book of treats straight from the Arabian Nights, Pomegranates and Roses will transport you to the world of Persian Drawing on her Iranian heritage, Ariana Bundy has produced a collection of authentic recipes which perfectly capture the flavour and fragrance of Persia. This book will appeal to those who love Middle Eastern food but are looking for some new challenges as it goes beyond the standard recipes found in most books - the results are so worthwhile --We Love This Book
Initially I was merely only seduced by the well-placed antique silver spoon on the front cover with the Damascus rose-coloured spine.
Who says a book cannot be judged by its cover?
Pomegranates and Roses is a must have, more than a cookbook, it is a touching memoir and an homage to a time-honored, exquisite cuisine. Thanks to Ariana Bundy for contributing her lexicon of family recipes and filling a well needed culinary void --Persianesque
A prettily pink book of treats straight from the Arabian Nights, Pomegranates and Roses will transport you to the world of Persian Drawing on her Iranian heritage, Ariana Bundy has produced a collection of authentic recipes which perfectly capture the flavour and fragrance of Persia. This book will appeal to those who love Middle Eastern food but are looking for some new challenges as it goes beyond the standard recipes found in most books - the results are so worthwhile --We Love This Book
About the Author
Ariana Bundy is a French-trained chef, TV presenter and the author of Sweet Alternative, the first gluten, dairy and soy free dessert cookbook. An Iranian-American, Ariana was Head Pastry Chef for the Mondrian Hotel in Los Angeles. She is a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu Paris and studied International Marketing and Finance at EBS in London. Ariana is fluent in English, French and Farsi. She now lives between Dubai and Paris with her husband Paul and their son Dara.

Format: Hardcover The culinary memoir seems to be a growing sub-genre in a saturated cookbook market - works describing the author's wonderful better-than-yours-could-ever-have-been childhood in far off exotic lands, with a few recipes thrown in here or there. As an avid collector of Middle Easter cookbooks, I had feared from the publicity that this new release would be firmly within that camp. However the family history part is in fact relatively unobtrusive and the food comes to the fore. Despite the subtitle "My Persian family recipes", the recipes here go beyond author Ariana Bundy's own family with ones which are regional or are Jewish for example (Ms Bundy confesses in the introduction to "gathering recipes by email, phone and travelling").
There are many classic dishes in here to be found in most if not all Iranian cookbooks - khoresht-e fesenjan, tas kebab, shirin polow, and zereshk polow for example. There are however plenty of recipes here dissimilar to what I have seen before despite my large collection - to name a few, zeytoon parvardeh (olives in pomegranate molasses and crushed walnuts), haroset (a Jewish-Iranian sweet involving fruits, nuts and spices), morabayeh bademjoon (an aubergine preserve flavoured with cardamom and rose water), faloudeh (rice noodle granita with lime and rose water), belderchineh too por (quails stuffed with rose petals), and gheymeh nessar (lamb with barberries, tomatoes and rose water).
The book is arranged by categorisation into fruit, nuts and pulses, vegetables, grains, dairy, meat, fish, herbs, and spices. Some recipes find themselves in odd places to my mind though - similar rice dishes will find themselves categorised according to a particular ingredient therein rather than coming gathered together under the grains section. Read more ›
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