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Terry the Tomboy (ТВ) 2014 смотреть онлайн

Terry the Tomboy (ТВ)  2014
Название фильма: Terry the Tomboy (ТВ)
Оригинальное название: Terry the Tomboy (ТВ)
Режиссер: Вэйд Рэндольф
Продолжительность: 73 мин. / 01:13
Год: 2014
Жанр кинофильма: комедия
Актеры: Ноланд Эммон, Чарли Депью, Нэйтан Карден, Shai Crockett, Лия Мари Джонсон, Дженнифер Элиз Кокс, Келси Эбботт, Крис Бонс, Тиффани Эспенсен, Eric Acosta

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Guys this this movie is bad. I mean my god this movie was so pointless to be made and wasted my time so much! There is nothing and I mean nothing funny at all in this movie and mostly because it is a boring piece of crap trash! It's so bad that I don't even remember what actually happened in this abysmal movie! All I know is Terry the Tomboy meets a boy and gains a crush on and that's it!
Oh, I'm sorry then there's a friend of Terry who likes her, a flamboyant brother, a snobby ex-friend and that's it. The friend who likes her is bland the crush is annoying the brother annoys me and the ex-friend is too much of jerk. Not to mention I think Lia or whoever got Tomboy mixed up with freaking redneck! Terry is a redneck, not a tomboy! She talks like one, act like one, never shuts up like one! She has a talks to the audience giving "tomboy" advice and what not and she is so annoying! I'm sorry, I love Lia Michele she's a great person, but this is a horrible character.
Don't get me started on the lackluster movie that again is not funny, I tried forcing out a laughter and I actually felt my soul slip away. My brain actually hurts after watching it. It is so boring and slow. I kept looking at the clock begging for it to freaking end, all it was is Terry trying to get with a boy and acting like a dumb redneck tomboy until a climax where she starts dressing like a 'normal' teen for a few minutes and then jumps back to being a redneck tomboy. I'm serious Terry becomes Girly girl for a few minutes and then jumps back to tomboy. she does this because her ex- snob friend tells her to change after she (Terry) hurts her crush. Oh, the friend is neither funny nor likable not even villain likable all we know was she's a former tomboy who changed and dropped Terry as a friend and tries to steal Terry's crush, that's it!
I'm sorry guys, but this movie sucks I love Lia but this is so bad. terrible characters, bad story also boring, no comedy, and slow-paced plot! Watch it if you want to and it might work with kids younger than me but to me this movie is the worst Nick has spit out ever!

Edit Storyline
A visit to the doctor confirms that the worst has happened: Terry is crushing on her new neighbor Brett. With help from her best friend and not-so-secret admirer, Duncanty, Terry attempts to overcome her unfortunate condition. When she realizes girly-girl Brittanica is vying for Brett's attention, Terry needs to make a decision. Will she comb her hair and grow up or be herself and chow down at the county fair? Written by Nickelodeon
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