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Joan Rivers: Don't Start with Me (ТВ) 2012 смотреть онлайн

Joan Rivers: Don't Start with Me (ТВ)  2012
Название фильма: Joan Rivers: Don't Start with Me (ТВ)
Оригинальное название: Joan Rivers: Don't Start with Me (ТВ)
Режиссер: Скотт Л. Монтойя
Продолжительность: 68 мин. / 01:08
Год: 2012
Жанр кинофильма: комедия
Актеры: Джоан иверз

Joan Rivers: Don't Start with Me (ТВ) 2012 посмотреть

Кино онлайн
Hello: I just bought this dvd of Joan Rivers:"Don't get me started". It is very funny. My wife and I first heard this broadcast on HBO,and enjoyed it so much,we decided to purchase it. The dvd is clear and very well recorded. The problem is that when we heard this on several months ago Joan Rivers' voice was projected clearly so you could understand her very funny comments,but on this dvd which is sold to the public the audience applause and laughing seem to over power You raise the volume to hear her and then the people laugh so loud that you immediately lower the Joan River talks again and you can't hear her so you raise the volume very loud and the audience again laughs and laughs so loud -you lower the volume again and again. I believe that Joan Rivers needed to wear a second microphone when she recorded this tape instead of a microphone in the air or in the audience. It is to much combined mixing of both the laughing and her constant very funny statements. She is a very very funny women and I think the audio engineers working to produce this dvd should have had seperation in the recording of her on stage.
The late great Joan Rivers really tears it up onstage in this stand-up comedy special from Chicago (the place she began with Second City). As with many comedians, Joan is in her element onstage, armed with her signature sharp tongue and no rating. She trashes every person & subject she can in 69 minutes with her "if you don't like it, there's the door" attitude. Folks not used to Joan's volatile style will most likely be taken back; she's potently filthy & swears like a sailor. But she's very good, and surprisingly, quite physical for a woman of 78. No wonder she influenced so many future comediennes with her incomparable comedy. She just puts it all out there.
While Joan was never my favorite, you have to admit that she had plenty of guts to do what she did, onstage and in TV & films. Thank you, Miss Rivers. You made our lives more fun!
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