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Destruction Kings (видео) 2006 смотреть онлайн

Destruction Kings (видео)  2006
Название фильма: Destruction Kings (видео)
Оригинальное название: Destruction Kings (видео)
Режиссер: Крис Сивер
Продолжительность: -
Год: 2006
Жанр кинофильма: ужасы, комедия
Актеры: Ариана Албрайт, Джейсон МакКолл, Энрике Коуту, A.J. Stabone, Крис Сивер, Ноэль Уильямс, Шоун Грин, Брэд Остин, Трэвис Индовина, TeenApe

Destruction Kings (видео) 2006 посмотреть

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Plot. Bonejack and Teen Ape versus creatures of the night, Dracula, Funkenstein and the Wolfman.
Over the top acting and dialogue, crazy characters, weird set ups. The usual nonsense from Chris Seaver in a low budget picture.
It's not as good as some of his other works and I say that as a fan who likes the madcap goings on. Here we have to wait a long time for any blood sperts and gore and then it's very brief and over too quickly. There is a second scene later but for the most part this comedy horror is low on horror and is more dialogue based with more groans than usual. Also disappointing was the lack of gratuitous nudity that is common place in these productions.
The only saving grace this has to offer is a 24 minute feature with Debbie Rochon which is interesting, amusing and a fun view.
Extras include a com, outtakes, featurette,stills, trailers. USA Release but plays Region zero.
This is a terrible film. It starts out with a man in drag telling two other men, one with a rubber ape mask and another with Don King's hairdo that they need to keep a low profile. This is another Tempe crapper. If you have seen any of the "Bad Movie Police" you will recognize one of the buxom cops who is critical of theses movies, actually stars in this one.
A team of geeks go after monsters who want to take over the world by creating an army of followers one at a time, starting in strip joints. Frankenstein has a British accent and later sounds like Arnold. Plenty of cheap laughs and crude humor.
F-bomb, simulated oral sex, no nudity, sex talk.
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