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The Journal of Edmond Deyers (видео) 2005 смотреть онлайн

The Journal of Edmond Deyers (видео)  2005
Название фильма: The Journal of Edmond Deyers (видео)
Оригинальное название: The Journal of Edmond Deyers (видео)
Режиссер: William Rot
Продолжительность: -
Год: 2005
Жанр кинофильма: ужасы, короткометражка
Актеры: Джэми Димартино, Джимми Диггз, Джимми Диггз, Кайл Лампи, Frank Corto

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Кино онлайн
From School Library Journal
Grade 5-8-James, a 16-year-old private serving in G Company of the 122nd Regiment, New York Volunteers, is baffled when his lieutenant assigns him to be the company historian in his Union regiment. He is initially at a loss as to what he is supposed to record, but gradually becomes more at ease with his responsibility and even finds solace in the task. James's account captures the tedium and drudgery of day-to-day life in the infantry, the confusion and terror of battle, and the horrors of medical practices of the period. Murphy bases this "journal" on real diaries of actual Civil War soldiers. He attempts to lend authenticity to the farm boy's writing by using expressions such as, "We was" or "the shadows was"; other times, he writes in literate and affective prose. For example, "The damage to the enemy lines was severe and their screams terrible." If anything, the author includes too many details and keeps readers from connecting with the protagonist's thoughts and fears. The story gets more exciting when James is lost behind enemy lines and is hidden from Confederate soldiers by a slave woman. The action is neatly wrapped up and the epilogue is a bit too tidy. Nonetheless, this is a solid addition to a popular series.
Ann M. Burlingame, North Regional Library, Raleigh, NC
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

I read this to my kids as part of our homeschool curriculum on the Civil War. It is fantastic! The narrative teaches a lot about life "back then", specifically about life for a soldier. James is not too fired up over the political issues of the Civil War ( there's not a lot of intellectual political or humanitarian discourse), but for him, the decision to become a soldier was a personal one. His war experiences are personal too, and I feel his assessment of others and how to deal with social situations are applicable to my kids today: ideas about luck, how to handle social situations, what is important in friendships and in life, how you view yourself, what constitutes bravery and heroism and humility. His character is one that I feel exemplifies the American hero ideal. Yet very personable and feels realistic, not an unattainable superman-type hero. Just a really good guy. We got our copy of the book from the local library, but this is one I might buy because I will want to read it over and over again to the kids as they grow up. Not just for history, although it is great for that, but for maturity, character and goodness. Thanks for the book, and for letting us glimpse into these mens' lives, Mr. Murphy.
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