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Savage Spirit (видео) 2006 смотреть онлайн

Savage Spirit (видео)  2006
Название фильма: Savage Spirit (видео)
Оригинальное название: Savage Spirit (видео)
Режиссер: Кори Тернер
Продолжительность: 83 мин. / 01:23
Год: 2006
Жанр кинофильма: ужасы
Актеры: William Biskamp, Жаклин Бергнер, Sean Brison, Люси Бэннистер, Эндрю Грилло, Патриция Кэмпбелл, Джаред Бриско, Кристи Курвиль, Кимберли Матула, Джэйк Бриско

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I was honestly expecting worse when seeing Savage Spirit, but I liked the simple but potentially effective idea and the title actually does make you want to see the movie. For the good things about Savage Spirit the concept is good, the spirit while not seen much looks better than average, the killings and gore are decent and not too cheap and predictable and some scenes did make me jump. However, apart from some jump-worthy moments, I wasn't consistently scared by Savage Spirit, the film could've done with more atmosphere and suspense as a whole. The acting could've been improved upon as well, not all of them were very effective at showing genuine fright and some were more concerned at showing off their bodies and uttering cringe-worthy kissing lines than anything else. The characters were not as clichéd as most other films I've seen recently, but not very well-developed and some were even irritating especially the guys who behaved like wimps the entire time. The story was fine in concept and had some scary parts but as said already not always consistent and seemed thin structurally, and for some reason I did find it difficult to believe that so many murders happened and nobody, even in a party not that big, heard anything. The music was rather pedestrian too, not doing much to accentuate the scares and rather generic of the Sixth Sense, the pace especially in the overlong character scenes really drags and the script is enough to make anyone cringe. Overall, Savage Spirit is a nice try but it is not enough. 4/10, and that is because I'm feeling generous. Bethany Cox

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