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Sunday School (видео) 2008 смотреть онлайн

Sunday School (видео)  2008
Название фильма: Sunday School (видео)
Оригинальное название: Sunday School (видео)
Режиссер: Марселло Тедфорд
Продолжительность: 100 мин. / 01:40
Год: 2008
Жанр кинофильма: драма, мелодрама
Актеры: Ти эйнфорд, Кристиан Омари, Сеси Паркер, ашад Хамфри, Эмбер Николь, Алонсо Ф. Джонс, Натали Мерчант, Кимберли Шэй Джонс, ахвауния, Джером Энтони Хоукинс

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I really can't figure out what drove me to watch this horrid movie. Perhaps I was bored, perhaps I needed to kill an hour and a half, perhaps I actually thought it'd be a decent film, either way, it was wrong to go see this poop in film's clothing. Sunday School is kind of like getting in a plane crash or getting hit by a semi-truck, only more painful and you don't have a cool story to tell at the end. My hate for all things religion didn't even get the chance to affect my judgment on this one, the movie sucked so bad that I was too busy redying my noose to whine about the overtly Christian theme of the "movie", for lack of a better word. The only people I can imagine enjoying this movie is POSSIBLY Christians and even then it's iffy, perhaps the Jesus loving message will be enough for some to enjoy the movie but for the sane people out there, stay away from this movie, it WILL make you dumber and you WILL contemplate suicide before the end credits. I give this film a 1/10 only because 0 or negative numbers aren't an option, do not watch this movie unless somebody is holding a gun to your head demanding it, and even then consider your other options first. This movie should be used as torture, it's that bad. Do not watch this film, it's the worst film ever made.

Edit Storyline
Rachel the new girl in town is urged to attend Sunday School but when she agrees she gets more than she bargained for. Quickly falling for a young handsome pastor her affections don t go unnoticed by his ex-girlfriend. Torn between her past dreams of Hollywood stardom and a new found relationship with God, Rachel must make a choice. Written by Official plot
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