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Family for Christmas (ТВ)  2015
Название фильма: Family for Christmas (ТВ)
Оригинальное название: Family for Christmas (ТВ)
Режиссер: Аманда Таппинг
Продолжительность: -
Год: 2015
Жанр кинофильма: драма
Актеры: Кит МакКекни, Мэтт Андерсон, Лейси Чаберт, Джилл Моррисон, Бриттни Уилсон, Шон Тайсон, Джеймс Кирк, Милли Уилкинсон, Тайрон Лейтсо, Одри Смоллмэн

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This movie was beyond disappointing and I usually love Hallmark movies; but the patriarchal messaging behind the movie was just insulting.
Basically the movie is about a successful TV news reporter who gets a chance to see what life with the her boyfriend could have been if she hadn't taken a job offer in San Fran. So she wakes up with a husband and two kids and she's a stay at home mom. I am not saying there is anything wrong with this life but she seems basically miserable the whole time and out of place and then she gets an opportunity to get a job, a job she loves mind you, and her husband basically guilts her into turning it down.
The whole movies just feels forced as if they are pushing being a stay at home mom and nothing more and being at home to cook dinner, god forbid you order a pizza, for you family and take your kids to school, and baking cookies all day. If that's you thing, go ahead, but if that's what you don't want to do and be, you can work and be a good mom. But the movie basically crushes her and insinuates she doesn't care about her family when an opportunity for a job that she loves and is passionate about comes along. It's 2015. Get with the times.
All in all, I was disappointed and insulted watching this.

Edit Storyline
Hannah Dunbar finds herself wondering what would have been had she stayed with the love of her life, Ben, 10 years before. When Santa Claus hears her talking he takes it as a Christmas wish and he transports Hannah to a version of her life where she and Ben started a family. Hannah, who literally becomes a mother overnight, navigates the comical day-to-day challenges of life in the suburbs with Ben and their daughters Caitlin and Hailie.
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