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Men Cry in the Dark (видео) 2003 смотреть онлайн

Men Cry in the Dark (видео)  2003
Название фильма: Men Cry in the Dark (видео)
Оригинальное название: Men Cry in the Dark (видео)
Режиссер: ДжеКариоус Джонсон
Продолжительность: 140 мин. / 02:20
Год: 2003
Жанр кинофильма: драма, комедия
Актеры: Аллен Пэйн, Рона Беннетт, Ричард Раундтри, Кристофер Уильямс, Донна Стюарт

Men Cry in the Dark (видео) 2003 посмотреть

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A PLAY DONE ON BUDGET: GOOD JOB!!! This was a venture for me. I had not heard about the dvds done by African Americans. I had been praying that they would set into dvds because they have to build their movie studios, their empires, for African Americans works. They'll get it done. All in all, with a few errors that don't really matter, the script had dips of seriousness that some people would find trite but when you have lived and know how life goes you can't hear those life-lessons enough, and the singing was good, and the stage was just fine, looked good. All together I give it 4-stars. AND I DO LOOK FORWARD to other plays and movies and I look forward to African American stars.
ON THE SUBJECT OF "MALES" are deluding ourselves to believe that we can go back and forth, back and we can be a player and do marriage like we weren't a player. Well. Never say never. There can be marriage with a player but it won't be like "Non-player" marriages--they are far more innocent because the people are far more innocent. Michael Braisden said, "Men want great ; What is 'great' to one is not 'great' to another. And that's something else--does great sex become the greatest player is a life-long great marriage or is the greatest player in 50 years of good marriage: LOVE?--MO
I only bought this because I'm such a fan of Allen Payne. Sorry but this play was sooooooo utterly boring.
1. There were two scenes that I had to just fast forward through because they lasted so long and were so dry, and then I just stopped the DVD altogether.
2. It was too much like the movie, "the Brothers." Now had this been called, "The Brothers (the Play)", I could have gotten in to it. But it wasn't so I couldn't. There was the sexy light skinned guy getting getting engaged, there was the bitter black guy who didn't like black women, there was the super sexy player who could never commit, and the fat guy was the comic relief. There was nothing original about this play and I hated it. The 15-20 minutes that I saw of it anyway.
3. Someone said this was "so real", but no it wasn't! It was cliche matter of factly.
4. Allen Payne is pretty good actor but I don't think the stage is his forte. He may need a little more practice at stage plays because he really wasn't that good here.
Like someone else said, rent or borrow before you buy. This play was awful.
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