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Guns, God and Government World Tour (видео) 2002 смотреть онлайн

Guns, God and Government World Tour (видео)  2002
Название фильма: Guns, God and Government World Tour (видео)
Оригинальное название: Guns, God and Government World Tour (видео)
Режиссер: Джон 5, Мэнни Родригес, Мэрилин Мэнсон
Продолжительность: 107 мин. / 01:47
Год: 2002
Жанр кинофильма: документальный, музыка
Актеры: Джои Джордисон, Мадонна Уэйн Гейси, Джорди Уайт, Оззи Осборн, Duncan Black, Мэрилин Мэнсон, Эминем, Джинджер Фиш, Джон 5, Тэмми Фэй Баккер

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Кино онлайн
Before New Zealander Russell Crowe became an Oscar-winning Hollywood heavyweight, he was a guy in a band writing songs about his parents, his politics and his sweetheart (and now wife), Danielle. Today, Crowe continues his first passion (he wrote his first song at age 6) with the band 30 Odd Foot of Grunts, or TOFOG - the name for a sound effect that Crowe heard while working on the set of the 1995 film, Virtuosity. Together since the late '80's Crowe and his band mates give a performance that features the bravado-stripped, engaging and garrulous Crowe along with the rocking, carefree, and guitar infused Grunts.
Crowe's baritone is deep as he sings songs written for his wife "Inside Your Eyes," along with the song "Swallow My Gift" a tune he wrote in response to critics who over-scrutinize his music. The band features other songs off their recent album Other Ways of Speaking including "Never Be Alone Again," "What's Her Name?" and "Charlie's Song." Crowe's cover of "Ring of Fire" reveals the rough-edge rock that the band builds from while also hinting at their blues, folk and pop influences.
The highlight of the evening comes in the form of an onstage duet with country-pop icon Kris Kristofferson. TOFOG and Crowe cover the hits "Me and Bobby McGee," originally sung by Janis Joplin, and Kris' "Sunday Morning Coming Down," recorded by Johnny Cash. On his own, Kristofferson performs hits that highlight his philosophical lyricism and poignant arrangements including "The Circle," "A Moment of Forever" and "Help Me Make It Through The Night."
Strip the $$$ out of rock ‘n’ roll, restore the danger and you’re left with the raw force of 6ft Hick. Armed only with strut and pure provocation, 6ft Hick level a rock ‘n’ roll sucker punch you would lean in for. Slog 6,000 kms across Europe with Australia’s mangiest Rockabilly Punks, through 15 shows in 18 days, in a world where managers, roadies and riders give way to blood, sex, and pure adrenaline. Over fifteen years 6ft Hick built a fervent underground following across Australia and Europe, one beer-soaked venue at a time, their raw sound and stage antics propelling them into the realm of urban myth. One reviewer described their show as “an indistinguishable pulverising barrage of screams, sweat, spit and blood flowing over a fierce, raw pulsing din,” while front men Ben and Geoff Corbett commanded the stage like ‘demented preachers’. Offstage, their mild-mannered alter egos maintain day jobs and live normal lives, amassing resources so they may re-awaken the beast within. Real life occurs on the road, even though the tours themselves barely break even. But in the words of guitarist Dan Baebler, “We’re not in it for the money, we’re doing this because we can’t not”. This film is a rock ‘n’ roll thrill ride that investigates what it means to care more about the journey than the destination and what it truly means to sacrifice for your art.
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«Песец лукавство, с которым я сталкивался в жизни, как нельзя царственнее пособило мне понять, что все мы имеем светлую и тёмную половины и каждая не может просиживать без другой»Мэрилин Мэнсон Свет и тьма. Старье и зло. Алебастровое и чёрное. Инь и Янь. Мэрилин Монро и Чарльз Мэнсон. Вам достаточно несочитаемых сочитаний? Перед Вами видеозвукозапись, изображающая собой компиляцию спиче...
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