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Amped (видео) 2004 смотреть онлайн

Amped (видео)  2004
Название фильма: Amped (видео)
Оригинальное название: Amped (видео)
Режиссер: Ричард Поше
Продолжительность: 70 мин. / 01:10
Год: 2004
Жанр кинофильма: детектив, музыка, триллер
Актеры: Emily Muhl, эй Бачман, Триш Кристенсен, Элизабет Дипринсио, Стюарт Бразелл, ичард Поше, Shelby Barendrick, Клифф Поше

Amped (видео) 2004 посмотреть

Лин Стро, новую солистку женской рок-группы «Опасные девчонки», обнаружили мертвой в результате передозировки кокаином. Но детектив Холден начинает расследовать обстоятельства ее смерти и запутанную сеть обмана. Кино онлайн
I watched Amped knowing beforehand that it would be a very low budget production. Wooden acting, out of sync audio, austere settings--you have to be ready to overlook all that going in. So what I hope for is to see something a little different, and to maybe explore some other places that more polished movies do usually go.
Amped was just a by the numbers thriller. It was entertaining because of how silly, implausible, and out of touch it all was. The story concerns the death of a lead singer of an all-female rock band. The other girls in the group may or may not have something to hide from the detective investigating. The dialog tries to create a witty banter between the characters, creating an almost flirtatious relationship between the detective and the bassist. He tracks down one of the band members that has gone into hiding and seems to be putting the pieces of the puzzle together. And then, all of the sudden, it is revealed that he, the detective investigating the singer's death, is the killer. There is nothing to suggest he might be anything other than what he seems, so the reveal is less of a twist and more of a glaring hole in the plot, totally unrelated to any of the exposition that came beforehand. What's even more amusing is the scene where one of the girls in the band seemingly puts it all together in her head and figures out the cop is dirty by having flashbacks of things he said that have NOTHING to do with anything.
This movie is silly enough to have been fun to watch, but it wasn't crazy enough that I would need to show it to my friends. Probably the only way I'll even remember having seen it is from this review.

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Amped 'TILL MY DYING DAY Homicide detective Robert Holden is rapidly becoming the stereotypical world weary detective by working in the crap city called Oakland. One morning he is called to investigate the death of Lynn Straw, the new lead singer of the Bay Area female fronted rock band, "The Danger Dolls". Performers of the smash hit, "'Till My Dying Day", Holden quickly wants to put closure on the case and avoid scrutiny by the media. However, in what appears to be an open and shut case of a cocaine overdose, Holden soon finds out that each of the band members has something to hide. WHO KILLED LYNN STRAW? The irony of the band's most popular song is apparent as Lynn's body is found dead on the couch. Magnolia "Maggie" Leonard is the first to discover the body. Maggie is a fiery tempered lead guitarist, prone to outbursts which are held in check only by her music, a classic example of how "music calms the savage bitch." Then there is the sensual Cassandra Reed. A sultry bass player,... Written by anonymous
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